RNDr. Vojtěch Ullmann
- photography , nature , electroacoustics , music , cottage -

This section of "AstroNuclPhysics" contains information about the author's interests and activities outside the professional field of physics and nuclear medicine :

Electronics ,Photography , Nature , etc.

The beauties of nature - photography
Music: Indian Chinese Tibetan Japanese Orthodox Catholic Islamic
Cottage for cultural recreation Pergola, fireplace + smokehouse, garden

I would like to share these interesting things with people with similar hobbies - I will be happy if something of it is useful to them and I will also welcome their experiences, from which I would like to learn ...

I am also an advocate of a simple and peaceful life - with an inner relationship to nature, with love and belonging to good people, the joy of the beauty of nature - I captured this in the description of each period of the "year in the countryside" as I remember it from my birthplace:

Poetry of rural life .

Personal notes:

The relative representation of professional work and other activities (hobbies, hobbies, culture) is very individual for everyone. It may not be very related to the type of profession and, moreover, the structure of interests often changes over time. I have always been one of those who have a number of different interests and hobbies, and I have run some of them with considerable intensity and commitment, comparable to professional work. Sometimes it can be put together quite well. I have three permanent hobbies loosely related to my profession:

In my opinion, the interest in nature in all its diversity expands and diversifies the exact understanding of physical laws. In addition, nature is inhabited by people, among others; I am therefore also interested in ethnography and folklore. Getting to know the customs and traditions of people in different parts can enrich our lives - we can take a lot out of it (see also " Poetry of life in the countryside ") .

Photography is my permanent hobby. I mainly photograph nature - various forest nooks, moods of lights and shadows, natural details. I try to show that even in seemingly ordinary and everyday things (around which people often walk inattentively), such as a dewdrop, a snowflake, a fallen leaf, hoarfrost in the grass, there are many impressive beauties - the beauties of nature - photography .
In addition, I often used photographic knowledge and skills in my professional work - I prepared slides for lectures or pictures for publications.

My interest in electronics and electroacoustics is quite closely related to physics and its applications . In my school and student years, I was a radio amateur (of which I still have a passion for "hunting on the air" various remote and exotic stations), I designed a number of smaller devices according to my own designs. I dealt with the recording of sound on a tape recorder (now on a minidisc ) - these were sounds from nature, but mainly from various sources of recording music and literary works. I have a relatively large library of recordings, not only musical but also literary and dramatic - eg all plays by Shakespeare, Moliere, most of the works by J.K.Tyl, L.N.Tolstoy, J.Verna, F.M.Dojojevsky, A.Jirásek, E.A.Poe, N.S.Turgenev, V.K.Klicpera, K.Paustovský, C.Goldoni, ... and many others.

My music library contains mainly :


The beauties of nature - photography
Anthropic principle or cosmic God
Science and faith Gravity, black holes and space-time physics Fireplaces, smokehouses, pergolas
Music: Indian Chinese Tibetan Japanese Orthodox Catholic Islamic
AstroNuclPhysics ® Nuclear Physics - Astrophysics - Cosmology - Philosophy

Vojtech Ullmann