opinions and attitudes - why are they so different in peoples ?
Opinions and attitudes
Members of our species called homo sapiens have largely
similar or identical biological features of body structure and
biochemical processes in our organisms. Also, the basic
neurobiological processes in our brain are based on the same
mechanisms of electrochemical signal transmission and the
functioning of neural networks. Therefore, we all have roughly
the same psychomotor functions. However, people's views on the
interrelationships, functioning, and organization of human
society often differ diametrically.
Let's try to briefly think about what factors and
circumstances influence interpersonal relationships, our social
orientation, opinions and attitudes :
- Personality
They are partly genetically inherited from our parents
and more distant ancestors, partly shaped by upbringing.
Especially in early childhood, but they can develop
throughout life. What is in our nature the representation
of egoism or, conversely, modesty, empathy and altruism;
a sense of fair equal relations between people; a degree
of ambition to a sense of superiority and contempt for
others; despotism, anger and hatred, or, conversely,
respect and sympathy for good people.
- Our
life experience
- what events and people we encountered, good or bad, in
what social environment we lived. Positive or negative
examples for us. Unfortunately, even the negative ones
can impress someone... What knowledge and opinions do we
take away from this?
- The
influence of social systems and propaganda
Also, the current social system, the ruling political
set, and propaganda in the press and other media can
greatly influence people's views and social attitudes.
Especially those who are not used to thinking
independently and forming their own independent opinion,
they only "parrot" the opinions and attitudes
that others suggest to them, such as the
"celebrities" they admire.
- Right
- left orientation
The views of people (often even
those who do not participate in the social
"ladder") on the social
status of rich and powerful people or
groups, versus other people, are basically divided into
two positions :
--> The left-wing orientation is
based on the view of the fundamental equality of
all people, regardless of their property and
social status.
--> The right-wing orientation is
of the opinion that the privileged rich and
powerful know best what "crumbs" from
their rich table are sufficient for the "general
poor people".
So the supporters of the left emphasize more
what all people have in common, the diversity of
people is on a horizontal level (one can do something, the other can do
something else ...). Proponents of
the right emphasize the vertical hierarchy of
people - some people are more capable (everything - grab more for themselves...).
Terminological note:
Different attitudes of people towards the position of
rich and powerful people have existed since time
immemorial. The names "right-left"
developed historically during the Great French Revolution
in 1789, when supporters of the monarchy and old orders
sat on the right at a meeting of the general
states, while supporters of change - freedom, equality,
fraternity - sat on the left.
- Personal
particular interests
- economic (financial), party, corporate. Politicians,
company managers and other functional employees often
have to present opinions and attitudes corresponding to
the interests of parties, companies, bosses. And even if
it is inherently not hold ...
- Thinking
- analytical and critical
It is very important for the formation of a reasonable
self-opinion, how capable and willing we are to think
about what is happening around us and about the
information and opinions that come to us. Analyze
objectively and from various points of view the causes,
circumstances and consequences of social events. To draw
causal conclusions and opinions from it - how much it
helps or hinders the better life of people on earth.
Self-thinking can be an effective defense
against primitive black-and-white vision.
Conclusion - let us seek objective
opinions, wise attitudes and actions
For some people, it can be difficult to break free from
pettiness, selfishness, hatred, "black and white"
vision, elitist arrogance, opinions that are being
"worn". However, it is worth "working on
oneself" and thinking objectively - so that we are not
despised individuals who do nothing good for anyone and spread
hatred and contradictions around them. But they have become wise
people with objective and tolerant opinions, which
others will appreciate not out of fear, sysophancy and envy, but
for human qualities... Only such an approach can
be part of true human happiness..!..
RNDr. Vojtech Ullmann