
Tragic events in Yugoslavia

Aggression against Yugoslavia

The aggression against Yugoslavia (and its previous instigation of civil war in some regions of the country) has been the biggest crime on the European continent since World War II. I wrote the following call to our citizens, manipulated by a tendentiously controlled mass media, on the day the aggression began :

NATO - a striking fist of the will and violence of rich nations and circles in the world
Let's not approve of evil!
Let's say our resolute NO to aggression against a sovereign peaceful country * ) and the American assassination of our Slavic friends in Yugoslavia!
Let us not believe in unilateral tendentious propaganda: the
Kosovo conflict (incited abroad, after all) is just a pretext - Yugoslavia was, in fact, attacked for its independent position, which is not due to the universally enforced right-wing dogma.
Site bombs, weapons and ethnic
In order to fight, Yugoslavia needs more medicine, humanitarian and material assistance, and later the resumption of economic and cultural cooperation.
*) Serbs as a nation have never waged offensive and conquest wars in history, they have always been forced to defend themselves. And so it is now.

In Ostrava March 25, 1999

A glimpse of the historical background
The Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe, between the west coast of the Black Sea and the north coast of the Mediterranean, was part of the Byzantine Empire in late antiquity and in the Middle Ages . In addition to the traditional region of Greece, it was gradually settled by Slavic peoples. At the end of the 7th century. the Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian states were temporarily founded, but did not become independent until the 12th-13th centuries. However, from the middle of the 14th century. the Ottoman Turks began to conquer the Balkans. It was not until the 19th century that the enslaved Balkan nations were gradually liberated. The whole process was completed by the "Balkan Wars" of 1912-13.
   However, as early as 1914, Austria-Hungary started a war against the young liberated Serbia
(under the pretext of assassinating Ferdinand d'Este, committed by a nationalist from Bosnia) . This marked the beginning of World War I, in which Austria-Hungary and Germany were defeated. The winning countries were England, France, the USA and Russia (and thus the Balkan nations) . This paved the way for the definitive liberation of a number of Slavic nations from the German and gradually from feudal oppression (in our country, including Czechs and Slovaks) .
Interwar Yugoslavia 
After the end of the war, a relatively large state " Kingdom of Serbia-Croatia-Slovenia " was established in the Balkans , which was renamed the " Kingdom of Yugoslavia " in 1929 . Unification of South Slavic nations (perhaps a bit in the spirit of Pan-Slavism ...)was the result of their long-standing desire for liberation from political and cultural oppression. ......
World War II, Ustasha Fascist Terror 
The German World War II marked the tragic end of interwar Yugoslavia, which was occupied by fascist Germany and Italy. Fascist-led in March 1941, a military coup declared the puppet "independent" state of Croatia, subordinate to Hitler's Germany, under Ustasha rule .
The Ustashas are a Croatian militant extremely nationalist and fascist organization. The name comes from the Serbo-Croatian word " ustati " - to rise up, to rebel, to rebel   ; originally they were Croatian rebels against Serbia, which had hegemony in the area after the First World War. However, under the influence of militant leaders - the chiefs - they degenerated into a criminal terrorist organization. The Ustashas belong to the Catholic Church (the murder of Croatian Orthodox Christians) , in which they had great support. E.g. Croatian throat-cutter P. Brice was a bygotten Catholic monk, the priests of the Croatian Catholic Church gave absolution and forgiveness to the Ustasha assassins ..! .. The Croatian Catholic Church was markedly clerical-fascist .
   The Ustashas (led by A. Pavelic) launched a criminal brutal genocide Serbian population. Fascist Croatia became one of the bloodiest puppet regimes in World War II. It was murdered min. 500,000 people, mainly Serbs, but also Croatian anti-fascists and Orthodox Christians. The Ustasha murder, including women and children, was carried out in the cruelest ways. Together with the German occupation (with the support of fascist Italy and Hungary) , fascism in Yugoslavia claimed about 1.5 million lives. Almost all later ethnic problems in the Balkans stem
   from these monstrous crimes of the Ustashas ! In criminal bestiality, perhaps only the rampage of the Banderas in Ukraine can be compared to them
(see " Ukraine ") .
   He joined the fight against the Ustashasresistance movement
(with the participation of former Serbian soldiers led by D. Mihailovič and communist guerrillas) , led by JBTito. By the end of 1943, the National Liberation Army in Yugoslavia already had over 300,000 fighters. The liberation culminated in October 1944, when Yugoslav guerrillas and Soviet troops conquered Belgrade.
   After the end of the war, A. Pavelic and a number of other war criminals fled to justice abroad, especially in South America. They and many other Hitler war criminals were greatly assisted by the Catholic Church; after all, Pius XII was in favor of fascism at the time (see " Christianity and Communism ", the passage "Enmity between the Catholic Church ...") .
Post-war Yugoslavia 
After the liberation from the Hitlerites and the Ustashas, ??after the end of the war, the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia was established, and JBTito became its president. It was founded on the principle of friendship, cooperation and unity of all nationalities, a consistent fight against all nationalist and religious extremism. It was assumed that all the more serious disputes between nationalities and territorial areas had, in principle, been resolved already during the national liberation struggle. Newly created mutual problems should be addressed in a democratic debate. Successful economic development also began , Yugoslavia in the 60s-80s. years became the most developed country in the Balkans.
   For decades, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes and other nationsthey lived harmoniously together in the common homeland of Yugoslavia and complemented and enriched each other with their differences
(we can leave aside some excesses that occur elsewhere) .
Nationalism, the Civil War, the Disintegration of Yugoslavia
The situation in Yugoslavia began to change after the death of J.B.Tito in 1981. J.B.Tito was perceived as a " president-liberator "
(similarly to T.G.Masaryk in Czechoslovakia) and his authority eliminated, or at least suppressed nationalist speeches and hidden disputes between nationalities and federal republics. In 1982, demonstrations and nationalist demands of the Albanian minority broke out in Kosovo , where violent actions by Albanian nationalists against Serbian fellow citizens have multiplied. In the individual republics, political representations gradually came to the fore, accentuating mainly their particular interests , which they pretended to be the "national interests" of their republics (they wanted to be "big lords" ruling in divided territories) . This was "water for the mill" to hitherto hidden nationalist forces (which persisted from the past or were imported from abroad, from emigration and criminal Ustashas) - a wave of nationalism arose .
   Armed groups were formed, weapons from abroad were smuggled into Croatia, Bosnia and other troubled areas. Local mob politicians, nationalists, and foreign interference eventually sparked a protracted civil war in Yugoslavia. Even democratically oriented and politically far-sighted President S. Milosevic
(who in quieter times could perhaps be the successor of J.B.Tito in maintaining stability, cooperation and prosperity) failed to prevent the violence and struggles in which he was (by virtue of his position) against his will himself drawn ... The details of those sad and dramatic events are beyond the scope of our brief reflection; Prof.MUDr. Rajko Doleček (who travels to Yugoslavia, has relatives and many friends there)... The result was the disintegration of Yugoslavia , including NATO's aggression (which took the "wrong side" - terrorists and subversives, against peaceful Serbs) , as mentioned in the introduction.

The fraternal nations inhabiting the territory of the former flourishing Yugoslavia were thus once again plunged into strife, hostility, persecution , social and economic decline ...

After the disintegration of Yugoslavia, individual states emerged in its place: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, ... Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the self-proclaimed separatist Kosovo. ......
Judicial Tribunal in the Haag
After the end of the war in Yugoslavia, an international tribunal was established in the Haag, before which the perpetrators of war crimes were to be prosecuted. So it was declared. In reality, however, it was a unilateral "NATO Inquisition Council" created under the direction of the initiators of the war against Yugoslavia
(eg M.Albright) - winners who were to judge the defeated. The defendants were mostly Serbs, just for the form of "not to say", there were a few Croats or Bosniaks.
President S. Milosevic: Judicial / Political Murder ?
One of the main politicians accused here was former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. He defended himself in court very eruditely, gradually refuting all fabricated accusations. He had a real chance of winning the trial with the result "innocent". To show that the political steps he took resulted from his duty arising from the democratic election of the President - to ensure the freedom, integrity and democratic functioning of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, without national strife, violence and armed conflict. Milosevic was also argued ready to use the process to defend the people of Yugoslavia
(Serbia did not commit or participate in any genocide) and to accuse the United States, Germany and other NATO countries of artificially inciting these armed conflicts to break up and destroy his country. Unfortunately, this did not happen anymore, S. Milolševic died suddenly in his cell, with a reasonable suspicion that he was assassinated (perhaps using cardiac drugs) ..?..
A large part of the population of the former Yugoslavia considers S. Milosevic to be a national hero who laid down his life for his homeland. And they perceive the current political order as forced by war aggression. The current democratic Serbian government (President A. Vucic) is trying to curb nationalist tendencies, but in the future their speeches are not completely ruled out ...

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