Internet -
publication of professional materials
Ways of publishing
professional materials
Everyone who works professionally in a certain field of science,
technology or other field, at certain stages of his work has the
need or obligation to communicate his knowledge,
observations, research results, knowledge, etc., to other
colleagues in the field, professional or and the general public.
On the contrary, he uses professional publications of other
authors as a source of knowledge, inspiration or comparison in
his own work. In addition, professional publications can be a source
of instruction , cultivation and broadening of
the mental horizon for other people interested in even
completely different areas of science, culture, manual work - for
"contemplative and thoughtful souls".
Professional materials can be presented and published in four
basic ways:
- Articles in
professional journals
This is the most common form of publishing the results of
specific experimental, theoretical, sociological
research, proposals for new structures, hypotheses, etc.
- Lectures at
professional seminars, symposia, congresses
This method of presentation serves for a quick and
operative communication of new and current results of
professional work, mostly to a narrower circle of
professionally close experts. Review lectures
, synthesizing the state of knowledge in a certain
scientific field , also play an important role . An
integral part of the lectures are discussions in which
knowledge and opinions are refined and confronted.
- Book publications
- textbooks, monographs, manuals, tables ...
In the form of book publications, mostly more extensive
works of a synthetic nature, review works, teaching texts
for students or professional education are presented - ie
information of long-term validity.
- Electronic form
In recent years, the digital electronic form of
presentation of professional materials has become
increasingly common . In principle, all three of the
above-mentioned types of professional communications can
be processed in this form (for lectures, for example, it
is a well-known PPT presentation in a PowerPoint editor,
projected from a computer by a video projector onto a
screen). This electronic form can be placed on two basic
media (carriers):
On a solid
medium (CD, DVD) - these
are mainly multimedia programs,
including lyrics, images, music. To operate them, each
user must procure (borrow, buy, copy) the carrier with
the uploaded material.
On a
computer server in the network - the Internet - here each user can view the required material
(usually freely) on their computer connected to the
global network. If necessary, he can upload or print it.
Publication of
professional materials on the INTERNET
We will mention in points some basic advantages and disadvantages
of the presentation of professional materials on the Internet.
Advantages :
- Flexibility,
operability, editing, continuous updating
This is a basic and indisputable advantage: the author
can continuously modify and update professional material
according to the latest knowledge, inspiration and ideas,
can correct mistakes, refine wordings, expand text, etc.
And all these modifications will be immediately reflected
on readers display messages!
- Public discussion
The communication can be submitted for public discussion,
comments can be made, knowledge and opinions can be
refined and confronted "from a distance".
- Quick orientation
in the text, activation of links, animation
For messages in electronic form, it is possible to
achieve very fast orientation and transition between
individual parts of the text by suitable structuring. By
including "clickable" links, immediate
provision of links on the same or other pages is
achieved, without the need to browse and search the
literature. For better clarity, some images may be
- Freedom of
expression of scientific opinion
In some cases, it may be important that the author be
free to present his scientific opinion in his
communication to the best of his "consciousness and
conscience", regardless of any subjective or
purposeful attitudes of reviewers and opponents.
Science is done only by people, with a whole spectrum of
known human qualities. So we can meet here not only
nobility, wisdom, generosity, modesty, tolerance, but
similarly to everyday life and the opposite
characteristics and phenomena - lowness, pettiness,
selfishness, pride and arrogance, hatred,
"competitive" struggle. Such a high-ranking and
influential expert, if of an egocentric nature, can
sometimes be quite a serious obstacle to
the realization of the magazine and book works of his
colleagues. Even when there are no such purposeful and
negative influences in the game, it is common experience
that complying with the comments of one reviewer will
arouse criticism from another reviewer or other experts.
Disadvantages :
- Link to a computer
on the network
Direct study of these materials is only possible on a
computer connected to the Internet, and the transfer of
some larger materials can be time consuming.
- Visual fatigue
while viewing
Visual fatigue occurs when studying large materials,
especially in users with eye defects
- Unreliable author Ps spreading misinformation
certain risk of complete freedom of network environment
is the ability to abuse rogue authors for the promotion
and dissemination of false information, lies,
- Work without a fee
and personal benefit It
is a disadvantage for the author that he sometimes does a
very extensive work often for free ,
without a royalty; sometimes he puts his financial
resources into it. This is also the case with this "
AstroNuklFyzika " site.
Personal note:
For me personally, this is not such a big negative,
because I am not one of the prominent authors who publish
books and pay royalties, or whose works are sponsored by
companies. I try to maintain independence
, without moral compromises and establishing connections,
so I'm used to adversityand the
displeasure of "anointed" and influential
celebrities. I therefore rather appreciate the
opportunity to freely communicate ideas and
knowledge that I consider positive
Over the years, I have come to the opinion of free
selfless publication of ideas, opinions,
theories, hypotheses and other professional information.
If such information or ideas inspire
someone to other useful deeds, the better. My former
boss, as well as other egocentric "colleagues"
who - in the name of their need to excel - have caused me
a lot of hardship in recent years, have perfectly
"cured" me of ambition. In the publications of
other authors, I often come across passages and pictures
from my earlier works, often without mentioning the
origin or citation. And I don't mind anymore, I'm more
pleased that my work is for the benefit of others
and for the benefit of things , even if
anonymously. With this attitude, I gained better comfort,
peace, serenity and insight into my
Conclusion - praise of
the Internet
However, the overall evaluation of these points for and against,
as well as other circumstances and experiences, in my opinion is in
favor of the presentation of professional materials on
the Internet.
Disgusted and tired of the constant haggling with
reviewers, opponents and behind-the-scenes intrigues, in recent
years I have preferred the electronic presentation of
professional materials. At the same time, I welcome
all substantiated and constructive comments , I
like to discuss them and take them into account when editing
professional papers; however, I am spared the obligation to
respect unconstructive and unfounded comments or personally
motivated invectives and attacks. This is how the " AstroNuclPhysics
" website was created,
on which a number of publications of all 4 types mentioned above
are processed in electronic form, eg :
RNDr. Vojtech Ullmann