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Modest (in)experiences, opinions and observations about sex
Here I briefly present my small observations
from an area that is completely marginal to me.
From the point of view of my physics focus, I think about various
natural laws and phenomena in the universe, earthly nature, in
life. And the phenomenon of sex also partly belongs
here. Therefore, I can perhaps allow myself to say a few
subjective comments and observations about it, which could
interest someone (positively or critically), inspire or entertain. I believe that this will not
offend anyone: I do not use any non-literary expressions, but
only universally accepted correct and professional names. In
physics, everything is always called by its true name,
even topics that may seem unpleasant to some are openly
discussed. Here, however, we will try to speak openly about pleasant
phenomena. I mean it in a good intention, to reflect on the
nice and pleasant things in our life. But you can laugh at my
clumsiness and naivety - I totally accept it..!..
If anyone reads this, don't take it seriously
and don't blame me, it's meant rather humorously;
maybe he will also remember his beginnings with a smile..?...
My first
introduction to sex
In our school childhood, my friends and I did not notice this
area in any way, we took girls as friends, but they usually have
completely different interests than us. With older guys, I have
sometimes seen that they already deal with it a bit, they talk
about it quite rudely (using expressions
they picked up from the guys in the pub),
try masturbating, but they mostly failed at first until the
Some of us had only the
unpleasant experience with the pain at impact and bruising of the
testicles. I had one small incident when I was about 13 years old
while sledding in the forest down a steep hill, when I lost
control of the direction of the sled and hit a tree in the crotch
at full speed. I writhed in the snow for a few minutes, but then
the pain, shooting through into abdomen, eased and I could get up
and walk home with a careful step, slightly bent forward. For
about a week, a slight inflammation of the left testicle
persisted, but then it all disappeared and it was fine...
A tender play in the
crown of a tree (...closer to
My first unexpected (and rather curious) experience in this area took place in our garden when I
was about 14-15 years old. On a hot day in June, when I was
walking around the garden in only my loose boxer shorts,
excellent semi-dark cherries ("chestnuts") were ripening on one tree. I set up a ladder and
climbed about halfway up the tree. Two female nice and prety
friends, about 3 years older, right behind me. I plucked ripe
cherries and gave them to them. Above me I saw a branch with
beautifully ripe cherries, but I couldn't reach it from the
ladder. Therefore, I stepped from the ladder onto a smaller
branch a little higher with right foot and managed to catch and
bend the branch with the cherries. I served the beautiful
cherries to the girls below me. They liked them very much, but
they kept smiled in a strange way.
I said "They are good aren't they".
"They are, but there is something else in addition: you have
a nice cock!". What? - I didn't even realize that as I
stepped onto a higher branch with right foot, the left trousers
leg of the loose boxer shorts rolled up and to reveal the entire
genitalia, right in front of their faces. The entire time I was
plucking cherries from the top branch of the tree, they were
watching my genital closely. One of them asked "Does anyone
palpate your testicles?". "No. It should?".
"Yes, to see if there is any suspicious lump on them. Then
we will palpate them for you". It hurt a little bit when
they squeezed them harder, but it was pleasant. That's why I
didn't resist playing with these body parts...
And soon there was an erection. So they also
palpate my penis, pulling and stretching the foreskin down and
up. After a while I had to hold on to the ladder tightly to keep
from falling - ejaculation happened and the girls were having fun
with how the sperm spraying onto the leaves of the tree. I
blushed with embarrassment, but the girls told me that it was
nothing wrong, it was completely natural; so we laughed about it
I did not admit to them
that I had not yet had any sexual experience! But
according by my embarrassment, they probably recognized it. After
all, they too certainly had only a short experience with this
area, with tender "floral" sex (later
called "vanilla"). And that was
the nice thing about it...
![]() The question is whether these gentle casual games can be considered sex? I didn't perceive it that way at the time, it was just a small, pleasant distraction for me... |
A moderate
approach to sex
I tried not to actively engage in sex, but during his student
years he ocassionall signed up on his own. For example, such a
small thing, when I was traveling by bus from Konice to Litovel (about 3/4 hour journey) to the
gymnasium: if I was sitting in the back seat
where it swayed more, when I got off the bus I had to cover the
front of my pants with my school briefcase to avoid showing a
noticeable bulge, or even sometimes a leaking wet spot on my
Of course, I didn't dare to talk about it
with anyone, so I don't know if any of the other classmates
experienced it, or was it just some kind of disorder on my part?
When I was younger, I
didn't like to sleep without my pajamas. For some reason it
irritated me to a permanent erection. This was somewhat
unpleasant in itself, but besides, it was tempting to masturbate (or ejaculation occurred - "pollution" - in
sleep). And four or more ejaculations per
night is somewhat debilitating... In older age, these
difficulties gradually disappeared.
I was primarily (genetically,
mentally) limited to an
active approach to sex and eroticism by my introverted nature,
modesty, shyness and less communicativeness. And secondarily, my
professional focus on natural science, especially physics.
Getting to know the beauty and secrets of nature and the
universe brought me not only intellectual pleasure, but
also filled me with the joy of life. Erotica and
sex remained only on the periphery, I usually don't reflect on
them too seriously, rather only with exaggeration and humor...
I have observed that "being in love"
often eliminates the part of the brain that creates objective
common sense and judgment. We are then blind to any mistakes of
this partner. This is probably due to the effect of increased
expression of hormones (such as dopamine,
noradrenaline, cortisol, serotonin, vasopressin, oxytocin, ...), the biochemical products of which
"intoxicate" not only this part of the brain, but also
other parts controlling our senses - the beloved partner appears
to us as beautiful, perfect, divine.... This is how natural
evolution directed it to provoke the urge for sexual intercourse
and sexual reproduction. From a biological point of view, I was
forced to acknowledge this, but in confrontation with my inner
relationship to scientific physical research and knowledge, which
is necessarily objective, it was against my will
In my youth, therefore I
did not seek classic copulatory intercourse with women, because I
knew that it usually leads to an emotional bond; and I always
tried to be independent in my thinking,
decision-making, and actions. I was determined never to marry, to
remain single and to devote myself exclusively
to science (physics). Nevertheless, I was eventually "hunt
down" to the wedding and start a family... We have
two smart and lovely daughters. That's how life went - O.K.
I did not watch pornography, nor any
"non-standard" sexual practices and "refined"
erotic aids. In addition to masturbation and normal sexual
intercourse, there are no limits to the imagination for variety,
but it should not endanger physical health or lead to
psychological pressure or humiliation. Anal sex and some forms of
oral sex can be problematic..?.. I fundamentally condemned any
sexual violence *) and involving sex in interpersonal
relationships, leading to their degradation. Friendship and love
based on sex are never true or lasting.
*) Never, not even in my deepest
subconscious, did think of forcing the sex when I met a pretty
girl or woman I liked (who would be
"worth the sin" as they sometimes say). Only when mutual communication led to a mutual
rapprochement, could a gentle physical contact possibly develop.
I don't understand what deviant lust or mental disorder can lead
someone to grope, abuse or even violence in this direction..?!..
Sex is the result of evolution for the purpose
primarily of reproduction with the exchange and combination of
genetic information. Only in the second place as a source of
pleasant pleasure and personal contacts, affection and love. I
reject the cult of sex, but on the other hand, I do not consider
it reasonable to taboo sex, which is an objective biological
phenomenon. And likewise the intolerance of nudity and the
anxious covering of some "intimate" places, that are a
natural part of our body. Of course, for many reasons, the
natural state is appropriate clothing - according to temperature,
weather, to facilitate work procedures, to protect against
adverse influences in the natural or work environment. But
temporary, short-term revealing, for example while changing
clothes or relaxing, while swimming, etc., shouldn't mind
anything. If we perceived them as a natural part of our lives (and did not artificially look for any sexual subtext in
them), rape and other moral crimes would
probably decrease.
tropical regions, the natives often go completely without
clothes. No one cares about the different sizes of female breasts
or male genders (similar as someone has a taller or shorter
figure, a longer nose or protruding ears - what does it matter?).
From a psychological point of view, my main
interest was always in the natural sciences, of which physics
became not only my hobby, but also my profession. Erotica for me
was only an occasional momentary distraction; but of
course it was important for married life and the birth of
children (we have two daughters)... In connection with physical considerations, I also
thought about our place in nature and the universe and about the
further evolution of humans and human civilization. In the work
"The Anthropic Principle or Cosmic
God" there is a passage
"Transhumanism - a
legitimate outcome of biological evolution?", including a reflection on the future of sex
("What is the
perspective of sex in the distant future?"), which will hopefully be more interesting for
potential readers than this incoherent talk about personal
opinions and experiences, that are certainly atypical, naive
and perhaps even ridiculous..!..
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